AI Technology Disruption, Its Impact on the Workplace, and Ensuring M&A Success
(Hint: Embrace It, Don't Fear It!)
Collaborate or Compete - How AI Weaknesses Enhance Human Roles in Tech
How to embrace the unmatched human touch in development
Cultural Challenges in Post-Close Integration
Corporate Matrimony: The Make or Break Role of Culture Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions
Data Stack Modernization: Balancing Costs and Innovation
Building and maintaining the right data stack for your organization can be a complex endeavor.
Dear Early Professionals, “See you at work”
Remote work delays development for early professionals
M&A Systems Integration: An Opportunity for Success or Distraction Post-Close
Controlling scope (and risk) is key to success within the tight time constraints of M&A PCI.
Navigate Adversity with Stoicism
How to leverage Stoic philosophy to mitigate the challenges of M&A Post Close Integration.
Retaining Key Employees is Crucial for Successful Acqui-Hire
During mergers and acquisitions, companies must develop and implement effective employee retention strategies to avoid compromising intended deal value.
Successful M&A Leadership Comes at a Cost
Maintaining a grounded perspective throughout PCI sets the stage for sustained achievement
The Capital One and Discover Merger Will Promote Competition, Not Stifle It
Is this merger bad for consumers and competition, as many politicians and regulators claim?
The Case Against Early and Restrictive AI Regulation
Balancing Innovation with Risk Mitigation
The In-Office Advantage: Leading Early Professionals in the Remote Work Era
Remote work has significant disadvantages for the development of early-career professionals.
The Problem with the Probable
Our biases often prevent us from prioritizing true value drivers.